Tips, Tricks, and Testimonials.
Watch what Rust Patrol can do!
Electronics and water don't mix.
Or do they...?
What happens after spraying metal panels with salt water for 3 weeks?
A general overview of what Rust Patrol is, and what it does.
Corrosion is all around us, but what is it costing you?
Brock from Rockhill Farm talks with Mike about some practical uses for Rust Patrol. From tools to PTOs, and everything in between!
Davin Blake, driver of the #000 B-Modified car, talks about his experience using Rust Patrol on shock heims.
Davin kindly sent us this short video showing how Rust Patrol revived his ratchet straps.
One of the reasons Rust Patrol works so well.
Part II or our Waterlogged Firearm. Will our pistol pop?
What happens when you put a firearm in water? Part 1
Clippers - 10 Years Taking A Dirt Nap
As near as I can figure, these clippers had been sitting in the roots of a bush I was digging out. Will Rust Patrol save them?
The results are in. Brock from Rockhill Farm put together a performance test in his Rust Patrol interview video, and this is the result after 45 days of sitting in a salt water bath.
Davin Blake, driver of the #000 B-Modified car, shares several places on his car he uses Rust Patrol.
A quick rundown of the features and benefits of Rust Patrol Heavy Duty.
A quick rundown of the features and benefits of Rust Patrol Lubricating Oil (No VOCs).
A quick rundown of the features and benefits of Rust Patrol Multi-Purpose.
STXC, a flow iron service company in South Texas, talks about their experience with Rust Patrol.
For farmers everywhere, the cost of maintaining equipment can be expensive. Rust Patrol can help!
Restoring a classic like the '57 Thunderbird, you don't want to use just any old product...
Opening Day of Deer Season!
Keep your firearms in top working condition, and fill that freezer!
Stop me if you've heard this one.
"A lady walks into a hardware store...
...she only buys Rust Patrol."
Made in the USA.
With Rust Patrol, the American farmer has the tool for all equipment.
Kelley Crooks, Executive Director of the American Undersea Warfare Center, uses Rust Patrol along with other preventative measures to help reduce rust and corrosion on the historic naval vessels USS Cavalla Destroyer and USS Stewart Submarine.
We asked one of our customers to give an unbiased review after using our product. Watch to see how our product stood up to the test!
Christmas Eve needs the sound of silence.